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Dr. Dan Kirschner Chiropractic Blog

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What Conditions Are Best Treated by Low-level Laser Therapy?

Low-level laser treatment is a form of therapy that involves a non-invasive laser comprising of a single wavelength of light. It has many names depending on the institution or location. Some are bio-stimulation, photobiology, cold laser therapy, and many more. 

Benefits of Tissue Regenerative Therapy

Also known as regenerative medicine, this therapy is an innovative medical solution. It is suitable for use in treating various conditions and diseases, such as chronic pain. Some of the therapies that involve tissue regeneration include stem cells, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), and growth factors. 

Benefits of True Cellular Detox

Toxic metals are found everywhere. These toxins keep your body from functioning properly. They cause hormonal irregularities, chronic pain, anxiety, and more. Do you work out and have been maintaining a healthy diet but still feel sluggish? True Cellular Detox could be the solution to help you stay on the right track to living healthy. Embarking on this detox program reduces the toxicity in your body at the cellular level.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is a very popular alternative to traditional medicine. Contrary to popular belief, visiting a chiropractor isn’t only for people who are experiencing back and movement problems. In fact, back pain and mobility issues are often symptoms of a different, underlying problem.

Maintaining Your Health and Spinal Wellness During the Holidays

Maintaining Your Health and Spinal Wellness During the Holidays Most people are in a joyous and festive mood during the holidays. However, some of us are limited to the activities we

Tips to Prevent Injuries During Activities

Tips to Prevent Injuries During Activities While it is great to get out and engage in activities to stay fit, it is also common for injuries to occur. There are steps

Proper Workplace Ergonomics

Proper Workplace Ergonomics More and more office workers spend countless hours at their desk without giving much thought to how it could be affecting their health. Ask yourself a few questions

Is Text Neck The Cause Of Your Neck Pain? Your Questions Answered Your smartphone is an amazing resource that puts information from around the world at your fingertips while ensuring you

A recent article on CNN money reported that 90% of all Americans now have health insurance thanks to Obamacare. On the surface this sounds like a very good thing. Yet

Many of my patients ask me how they can begin to make a positive change in their health. Many times they want to lose weight, or increase their energy. Sometimes

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